About Us
The Communities for Kids initiative was created in response to community requests for assistance with shortages of high-quality early care and education programs — shortages that both impact children’s optimal development and pose a challenge for communities hoping to attract and retain the viable workforces they need to thrive.
Communities for Kids aims to partner with Lincoln Counties public and private entities to support and coordinate planning for access to high-quality early care and education for all children birth through age eight. Partnerships will be customized to address North Platte’s unique assets and needs — so we can grow and prosper well into the future.
Communities for Kids – North Platte was awarded a $30,000 grant to develop The Early Learning Scholarships. The Early Learning Scholarships program is intended to support working families in meeting the high cost of quality care for children 6 weeks - 6 years in full day/full year settings (not attending kindergarten) or attending the Program due to a need for care that extends beyond the hours provided by a publicly funded program (i.e. wrapping hours around Head Start or Public Preschool).
Support includes increasing access to high quality care for young children in low and moderate earning families in North Platte. Funding is being made available to North Platte’s early childhood providers engaged in delivery of quality early learning environments and experiences for young children.
Communities for Kids – North Platte will also address quality and capacity for early care for all children birth through